Age of Empires 1 - Home Page


Ascent of Egypt


Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Build 7 Villagers

The first few missions on this campaign are tutorials to demonstrate how you can play the game. Just follow yhe instructions, look at hints before you start the mission and do some research to help you with fidning out more information on the game. This first mission objective is just to train 7 villagers (Click on the Town Center to train villagers). Villagers cost 50 Food each and you will need to build an additonal house (30 Wood) to increase the population capacity (Click on a villager and look for the house image. Once clicked, place your house anywhere on the map). Gather food by collecting berries or hunting animal (be weary of alligators/crocodiles/lions/elephants, they will attack you if you try hunt them).


Age of Empires I - Campaign: Ascent of Egypt - Mission: Hunting - Revealled Map


Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Build a Granary
    • Build a Storage Pit
    • Build a Dock

In this mission, you need to learn about building 3 key buildings: a Granary (120 Wood), a Storage Pit (120 Wood) and a Dock (100 Wood). You need to gather wood in order to build these buildings. Order your villagers to go gather wood then build each of the buildings.

  • Dock: this building allows you to build different ship units.
  • Granary: this building allows you to upgrade and build walls and towers (defensive buildings). Also allows villagers to store from from berries only.
  • Storage Pit: this building allows villagers to store all resources and provides attacking and defensive upgrades for infantry, archer and cavlary units.


Age of Empires I - Campaign: Ascent of Egypt - Mission: Foraging - Revealled Map


Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Find 5 Discoveries (Landmarks) before the Libyans find them

This scenario will be the first time you play against the AI. The point of the scenario is to give the player alternative ways to win this scenario. Either by discovering the 5 landmarks or by eliminating the AI player through military conquest. Note you will only have villagers to defend yourself so train up as many as you can before going to look for the landmarks.


Age of Empires I - Campaign: Ascent of Egypt - Mission: Discoveries - Revealled Map

Advancing to the Next Age

Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Advance to the Tool Age

This scenario shows the player how to advance to the next Age (in this case: the Tool Age). To advance to the next age, you will need 500 Food and require 2 Stone Age buildings (build either a Barracks, Dock, Granary or STorage Pit). Reaching new Ages will allow a player to build new buildings, train new units and have access to new technologies/upgrades.


Age of Empires I - Campaign: Ascent of Egypt - Mission: Advancing to the Next Age - Revealled Map


Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Destroy the Evading Tribe

This scenario teaches the player on how to use military units. You have 4 Axemane (Infantry Unit) and 3 Bowmen (Archery Unit). Axeman are good for tanking and holding off other infantry and cavalry unit, while bowmen can attack from range. Take this scenario to learn different ways to attack and menuevre your forces. My suggestion: Try keep all your units together and piock off enemy units one by one.


Age of Empires I - Campaign: Ascent of Egypt - Mission: Skirmish - Revealled Map


Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Control the Ruin and stockpile 800 Food.

Another way for the player to gather food is to farm. Building Farms (50 Wood) will allow villagers to gather food (the amount of food varies per upgrade). Build a Market (150 Wood) to allow yourself to start building Farms and view the technologies and upgrades in the Market building to improve your villagers work rate for gathering resources. Make sure you build a sizeable defence against the enemy army, they will start attacking you in intervals.


Age of Empires I - Campaign: Ascent of Egypt - Mission: Farming - Revealled Map


Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
      Stockpile 500 Gold and 550 Stone.

Another way of gathering gold is through trade. Trade Boat/Merchant Ships can be used to gather gold in exchange for any other resource.

  • To make your life easier, build at least 5 Scout ships to control the seas and drive off invading enemy ships.
  • Do not destroy enemy Docks.
  • There's a big stockpile of stone at the South-East of your starting location.
  • Have at least 10-15 land units for any land invasions from the enemy.


Age of Empires I - Campaign: Ascent of Egypt - Mission: Trade - Revealled Map


Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Convert the Stone Thrower and bring it to your Town Center.

One of the more difficult scenarios to tackle, you have to convert the enemy Stone Thrower and make sure it does not get destroyed within the cross fire/battle and guide the Siege Tower back to your Town Center. Priests are the only unit you can use to convert other units, so make sure you protect your priest at all cost. Try distract the enemy archers and units with your other units and make sure your priest focuses on the Stone Thrower (you may have to maneuvre your priest if the STone Thrower starts shotting at you). I got lucky after I converted the Stone Thrower, the rest of the enemy army was distracted with my villagers and I was able to guide the Stone Thrower back to my Town Center with relative ease.


Age of Empires I - Campaign: Ascent of Egypt - Mission: Religion - Revealled Map

The River Outpost

Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Find the island and build 2 Sentry Towers and a Town Center.

This scenario is where Age of Empires suggest experience players start this campaign.

  • The enemy only has Scout Ships and Watch Towers to defend itself. Build up 5 Scout Ships, upgrade them to War Galleys and their range range is longer than Watch Towers and their damage is more than Scout Ships.
  • Once they enemy is defeated, build a Transport ship and transport 5-10 Villagers (To defeat the Lion and build up the towers and Town Center quickly).
  • Gather enough Food to Advance to Bronze Age and build a Government Center to build another Town Center.


Age of Empires I - Campaign: Ascent of Egypt - Mission: River Outpost - Revealled Map

Naval Battle

Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Recover the stolen Artifact and bring it back to your Town Center.


  • Build up a Naval Fleet as quick as possible (15-20 War Galleys) to defend against ongoing attacks from the enemy.
  • Once you have enough War Galleys, attack the enemy and destroy their towers, buildings and units from range
  • Train up 10-15 Chariots and Chariot Archers (Egyptian Units with Bonuses) to destroy the rest of the enmy untis and buildings, and to steal the artifact.


Age of Empires I - Campaign: Ascent of Egypt - Mission: Naval Battle - Revealled Map

A Wonder of the World

Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Build a Wonder.

Building up a defence as quickly as possible will help make this scenario easier to control. You have allies which will help with gathering gold through trade. There is a huge stockpile of stone to the East of your location, you will have to chop through some trees to get throuhg to the stone. A stockpile of gold is located at the West of your lcoation, but is heavily guarded by the enemy team. You need to advance to Iron Age (1000 Food and 800 Gold) and gather 1000 Wood, 1000 Stone and 1000 Wood to build a Wonder.


Age of Empires I - Campaign: Ascent of Egypt - Mission: A Wonder of the World - Revealled Map

The Siege in Canaan

Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Destroy the Government Center

A nice, challenging mission to end the first campaign. Hints:

  • Build up your defence with Walls and Towers.
  • Utilise Chariots and Chariot Archers for quick attacks and from range.
  • Take out enemy Towers and buildings one step at a time. Don't try blitz through this scenario.
  • Build up walls and towers across the edges of the river where the enemy can cross over to your location
  • Build up 5 Stone Throwers, Elephant Archers and War Elephants to help your chariots with your attack.


Age of Empires I - Campaign: Ascent of Egypt - Mission: The Siege in Canaan - Revealled Map

Glory of Greece

Claiming Territories

Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Destroy all enemy Farms
    • Create 5 Farms

In this new campaign, you will be fighting for the Greeks. Quite a tricky first scenario based on the location of your Town Center. You are surrounded by all enemies so building up a quick army to help defend your base is a necessity. Hints:

  • 10 Bowmen and Axemen should be enough to take out the Danaans (Yellow) east of your location.
  • Once you've build up a large army (35 units), try drag the Red enemy army away from their buildings and towers.
  • Try attacking from 2 sides at the same time.


Age of Empires I - Campaign: Glory of Greece - Mission: Claiming Territories - Revealled Map


Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Capture the Ruins
    • Construct 2 Sentry Towers beside the Ruins


  • Build walls and block routes from the East of you base to prevent the enmy from flanking you.
  • Build 5-10 War Galleys to defend the seas. Winning the Naval battles will help in the long run for this scenario.
  • Train 5 Cavalry to run down Range units and 10 Hoplite units (Greek bonus: Academy units cost 15% less) to take on Melee and Cavalry units.
  • Build 5 Stone Throwers to destroy the enemy's buildings quickly.
  • Use your stone wisely.


Age of Empires I - Campaign: Glory of Greece - Mission: Acropolysis - Revealled Map

The Conquest of Crete

Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Capture the Artifact
    • Destroy the Minoan Temple

At the beginning of this scenario, you have to retreat. Take as many units as you can and run for it. You may pick up ally units along the way. Once you reach camp at the South end of the map, you will have access to a well built up base. Hints:

  • The enemy utilises a lot of Stone Throwers. Have at least 5 Cavalry to destroy them before they reach your base.
  • Build up a Dock directly east of your location, build up some War Galleys and harrass the enemy (Red) from the East.
  • To defeat the Minoans (Yellow), try attacking from the left of their main position.
  • You may to send through a couple of waves before you break through their defenses. Train priests to help heal your units and reserve your resources.


Age of Empires I - Campaign: Glory of Greece - Mission: The Conquest of Crete - Revealled Map

The Trojan War

Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Hector (Hero) Must be slain
    • Paris (Hero) Must be slain
    • Capture the Treasure of Priam (Artifcat)


  • Build up a dock and gather wood quickly.
  • Building 10 War Galleys will be the first priority to defend yourself against Red armies Naval attack, as well as Red transporting units over to your base.
  • Utilise your 3 Heroes in defending your town at first, and train a priest to heal your units.
  • Once you have built up a large army, head south and transport your units at the bottom of the map.
  • Attacking from the south will be easier for you to Kill the enemy (Yellow) heroes.


Age of Empires I - Campaign: Glory of Greece - Mission: The Trojan War - Revealled Map

Colonization of Ionia

Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Destroy the 3 Luwian Government Centers


  • Building up a strong navy (10-15 War Gelleys/Triremes) is key to defend against the Red and Yellow armies.
  • Build a trade boat/merchant ship to trade with Athens (Brown).
  • Build up 5 Catapult Triremes to take down enemy Towers and buildings from range.
  • There's an abundance of resources across the map on little islands. Build towers on each island to strengthen your defence.
  • Training 10-15 Centurions and 10 Cavalry units should be enough to take down enemy units and the 3 Government Centers.


Age of Empires I - Campaign: Glory of Greece - Mission: Colonization of Ionia - Revealled Map

The Siege of Athens

Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Capture 4 Artifacts


  • Bring all your villagers and units back to your base. Quickly build up walls at the main entrance.
  • Focus on building up 10 Triremes to defend yourself against Spartan Navy (Yellow).
  • Build a transport ship to carry your villagers to an island in the East. There's plenty of resources available.
  • Keep harrassing the enemies' land units with your triremes and train 5 Cavalry units to go capture the artifacts (Located directly West from your main base).


Age of Empires I - Campaign: Glory of Greece - Mission: The Siege of Athens - Revealled Map

Xenophon's March

Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Capture the Artifact.
    • Escort the Artifact to your Government Center in the north of the map.

You start with 8 Centurions, 2 Helepolises, 1 Priest and 4 Villagers. The objective is to capture the artifcat located within Persia (Orange) base and escort to the top of map. Hints:

  • Use your priest to convert War Elephants and block the elephants with your centurions to stop it attacking your priest.
  • Once you have defeated Persia (Red), build up a docks and storage pit to gather wood.
  • Build 5 Triremes to attack Persia (Yellow) down the river.
  • Build a transport ship to transport your units to finish off yellow.
  • Quickly move your Helepolises towards the walls (Persia Brown base) and kill any villagers gathering gold at the bottom of the map. Don't destroy the walls yet, use them as a defence to prevent Brown land units from attcking.
  • Once brown has been destroyed, build up a base and gather as many resources as you can and build up a sizeable army to take down Persia (Orange).
  • Careful not to waste your gold on units and train priest to help with healing.
  • Build a docks East of the Persia (Orange) base and build up Triremes to destroy enemy ships and buildings from range.


Age of Empires I - Campaign: Glory of Greece - Mission: Xenophon's March - Revealled Map

Alexander the Great

Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Defeat all your enemies or destroy the Wonders that they attempt to build.
    • Construct a Wonder in the flagged area in Egypt.

The last scenario of the Glory of Greece campaign will test you. Red army will immediately start building a wonder. Hints:

  • Train a scout to go scout the terrain for your forces to follow before you attack.
  • Build up 5 Catapults to and immediately go attack the tower and the Wonder for Red. (Upgrade Craftmanship to gain extra range.)
  • Pull back your units to a safe location. Build up 5 Triremes and 5 Catapult Triremes to defend yourself againt Naval fleets.
  • Before the Persian army (Brown) starts building their wonder, use a scout and go east. There is path to the Persian army's main base where they will start building a wonder.
  • Have a range of cavalry and centurion units to defend your catapults against attacks while you concentrate your catapult firing on the wonder.
  • You do have a break in between destroying Red's Wonder and Brown starting their wonder. Use the time to destroy Yellow's base in the South with Triremes and Catapult Triremes.
  • Use your catapult triremes to destroy Towers around the flagged area, and once you have enough resources (1000 Gold, 1000 Stone, 1000 Wood), build a Wonder in the flagged area.


Age of Empires I - Campaign: Glory of Greece - Mission: Alexander the Great - Revealled Map

Voices of Babylon

The Holy Man

Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Convert or destroy the Sumerians
    • Convert or destroy the Akkadians

The Tigris Valley

Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Capture 2 Artifacts and return them to your side of the river.


Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Destroy the Hittite Army
    • Capture the Ruin in the city of Babylon

I Shall Return

Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Destroy the Elamites

The Great Hunt

Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Capture the Artifact

The Caravan

Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Return the Artifact to your Temple

Lord of the Euphrates

Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Destroy the Northern Aramaeans
    • Destroy the Western Aramaeans

The Conquest of Nineveh

Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Destroy the Wonder in Nineveh

Yamato, Empire of the Rising Sun

The Assassins

Island Hopping


The Mountain Temple

The Canyon of Death


Jinshin War

Fujwara Revolts

Reign of the Hittites

Opening Moves

Raid on Babylon

The Battle of Kadesh