Age of Empires 2 - Home Page


William Wallace

Marching and Fighting

Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Follow the instructions to reach the Scottish village.

With this being a guide campaign, the objectives are quite simple and easy to follow while you learn the controls and mechanics for the game. As the objective says, just follow the instructions as the narrator explains what to do. Just order your army to walk to the flags, find the village and defend it against the enemy forces. There are Hints and Scouts tabs at the beginning of the mission that give you useful advice on how to play the missions. You can drag your click you mouse over your forces, or group them together, and hover your mouse over enemy forces and right click to attack them.

Feeding an Army

Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Gather 50 Food, 50 Wood and 50 Gold.

This mission shows you how to gather resources. Click on the villagers and click on the following:

  • Food: Berry Bushes, cattle or wild animals
  • Gold: Gold Pit
  • Stone: Stone Pit
  • Wood: Any trees

Training the Troops

Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Train 4 Militia

This mission shows you how to train troops. Specifically, you need to train 4 militia from the Barracks. Click a villager to build a Barracks, then see how much the unit costs (in this case: 1 x Militia - 60 Food 20G old, so you will need 240 Food and 80 Gold to complete the objective).

Research and Technology

Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Advance to th Feudal Age and repel the English Raids

For this objective, you will need to advance to the Feudal Age. You will need to click on the Town Center and click the advance to Feudal Age icon (500 Food). Gather enough food to advance to the next age but also build up an army (10 units should be enough) to defend your base.

The Battle of Stirling

Mission Debrief

  • Objectives:
    • Defeat the English army and destroy their Watch Tower

This mission allows you to explore the map a bit more, test your macro and micro skills and to test yourself against a competitive opposition. Build up your base and defence, see what each building has to offer (different units and technologies) and train the relevant troops you think will help you defeat the enemy army.

My army advice:

  • Train Galleys and use them from range in the ocean to disrupt the land enemy forces from advancing on to your base with a considerable sized force.
  • A good mixture of infantry and range units (10 x Militia and 10 x Archers) should be able to advance on the enemy base and destroy the Watch Tower.
  • Forge an Alliance

    Mission Debrief

    • Objectives:
      • Capture 3 relics and garrison them in your Monastery.

    The relics are placed around the map as follows:

  • One is close to your base
  • The other is next to your ally's base
  • The last relic is inside the walls of the enemy base
  • Once the relics are garrisoned inside the monastery, you will receive gold automatically at a slow rate.

    Build a market up quickly to start trading with your ally. You will be able to gain your ally's line of sight around the map which is quite advantageous. A market also helps to get access to specific resources quicker.

    My army advice:

  • Monks are the only units that can pick up the relics. They also help heal all non siege units and convert enemy units to join your army.
  • 10 x Crossbowmen (Good against infantry), 5 x Militia (Good against Buildings and Infantry) and Pikemen (Good against Cavalry) and 5 Scouts (Good against archers) should be enough to take down the gates and detroy the enemy force.
  • The Battle of Falkirk

    Mission Debrief

    • Objectives:
      • Build a Castle
      • Destroy the English Castle

    Quickly build the walls to block off attacks and upgrade to Feudal Age. William Wallace's army will arrive and you will have to 2 War Galleys to harrass the English army when the units cross over to the same land where your base is situated.

    Build a Castle close to the walls to use as a ranged defensive building, and then advance the Imperial Age to start building Trebuchets. Build a Dock where William Wallace's army arrive to build more fishing boats and war galleys.

    My army advice:

  • 5 x Siege Trebuchets
  • 10 Cavaliers and the army William Wallace (14 Elite Woad Raiders and a couple of Paladins) provides should be sufficient to support the siege trebuchets.
  • Joan of Arc

    An Unlikely Messiah

    Mission Debrief

    • Objectives:
      • Joan must survive
      • Escort Joan from the camp at Vaucouleurs to the Château of Chinon.

    The Maid of Orleans

    Mission Debrief

    • Objectives:
      • Joan must survive.
      • The Cathedral in Orléans must remain standing.
      • Escort Joan to Blois so that she may command the French army.
      • Bring Joan to the Orléans Town Center.
      • Deliver 6 Trade Carts of supplies to the Orléans Town Center.
      • Convince the British/English to withdraw by destroying 1 of their Castles.

    The Cleansing of the Loire

    Mission Debrief

    • Objectives:
      • Destroy at least 3 British Castles.
      • Joan must survive.

    The Rising

    Mission Debrief

    • Objectives:
      • Travel west to help reinforce the French town. Be wary of opposition along the way.
      • Joan must survive.
      • Destroy the Town Center of Rheims.
      • Destroy the Town Center of Chalons.
      • Destroy the Town Center of Troyes.

    The Siege in Paris

    Mission Debrief

    • Objectives:
      • Joan must survive.
      • Refugee villagers in Paris are attempting to escape English tyranny. Locate at least 6 of the refugees.
      • Rendezvous with the king's reinforcements in Paris, just south of the river bridge.
      • Escort Joan and at least 6 of the refugees to the Château of Compiègne (the square between the flags).

    A Perfect Matyr

    Mission Debrief

    • Objectives:
      • The Trade Cart carrying the French flag must survive.
      • Plant the French flag (loaded in a Trade Cart) on the hill in Castillon (covered with flags).
      • Rendezvous with the French artillery, commanded by Jean Bureau.
      • Rendezvous with the French army, commanded by Constable Richemont.


    An Arabian Knight

    Mission Debrief

    • Objectives:
      • Defeat the Franks west of Cairo.
      • Get your soldiers to the Mosque in Cairo.
      • Defeat the Franks east of Cairo by destroying their Town Center.

    Lord of Arabia

    Mission Debrief

    • Objectives:
      • Defeat Reynald's raiders, bandits, and pirates.
      • The Town Center of Aqaba must not be destroyed.
      • The Town Center of Medina must not be destroyed.

    The Horns of Hattin

    Mission Debrief

    • Objectives:
      • Capture the Piece of the True Cross (a Relic) and return it to the Horns of Hattin (marked by flags)

    The Siege of Jerusalem

    Mission Debrief

    • Objectives:
      • Destroy the 5 towers defending Jerusalem so that Saladin's army can occupy the city.
      • Do not allow any Jerusalem Monastery or the Dome of the Rock to be destroyed.


    Mission Debrief

    • Primary Objectives:
      • Defeat any 2 of the 3 Crusader cities
      • Refugee villagers in Paris are attempting to escape English tyranny. Locate at least 6 of the refugees.
    • Secondary Objectives
      • Tribute 1,000 gold to Tiberias to form an alliance.
      • Pay another 1,000 gold to Tiberias if you still wish to ally with them.

    The Lion and the Demon

    Mission Debrief

    • Objectives:
      • Construct a Wonder and defend it.